"Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others, cannot keep it from themselves."
-JM Barrie
Savannah is so incredibly kind and thoughtful. Often in the morning she will get herself dressed, go potty, go downstairs without waking me, make a card for me and then come upstairs to present her thoughtful piece of artwork to me with a good morning hug. Today she went through that sequence except when I got up she was still downstairs brushing our cat (our feline companion is a 16-year old tortoiseshell Maine coon named Sage). I asked her what she had been up to this morning and she said she got dressed, and went potty, washed her hands and then brushed and pat the kitty and made her a card. I was in a hurry to get the house ready for a showing but thought it was funny that she never showed me her card to receive my usual compliments. Right before we left the house, I went down to the basement to check that it was in good condition for the showing. Sitting there at the bottom of the stairs, was the card Savannah had made for Sage, opened up for display so Sage could see it. She drew a little girl brushing a kitty, Sage's favorite thing. Melt my heart!

Savannah brushing Sage-y Bear.
By Savannah, Age 4

A few days ago I bought her a T-shirt that says "Little Miss Chatterbox" on it. At the time I wished that the store had had the "Little Miss Curious" T-shirt because while Savannah is a chatterbox, curiosity is perhaps the prominent characteristic of her personality. Now I'm thinking I should have gotten the "Little Miss Sunshine" T-shirt.
I am thankful to have a daughter who is smart, healthy, and curious but most of all, I am grateful that she is kind.